Category Archives: Just to Laugh

Some Times You Just Have to Laugh!

I knew I shouldn’t. I knew it was a bad idea – – but I tried it anyway.

There are times when things go so wrong you just have to laugh. That was my evening last night.

The day started out fairly well. With the help of my alarms and lists, I had a very productive day. Three loads of wash – complete, clean the refrigerator – complete, find a ride Kitchen disaster_0001to take me to two appointments – complete. I felt so accomplished. And then . . .

Towards the late afternoon, I began to feel out-of-sorts. As my world became clouded and disoriented, and my speech was slow, I decided I was going to make dinner anyway. That’s where I went wrong! Lesson number one; how to ruin a perfect day – when you know your dementia symptoms are taking over stay out of the kitchen!

First let me say, I HATE cooking anyway. I call it “the dirty four letter “C” word”. I don’t have the knack for it and by the time I’m done, my kitchen looks like a war zone. Honestly, I’d rather change the oil on the car than “cxxk”. In 34 years of marriage I have not been able to escape the horrors of the kitchen. OK, I digress – back to the bad day.

While retrieving two eggs, I knocked a bottle of Italian Salad Dressing on the tile floor. This caused me to jump, tossing the two eggs in the refrigerator. One actually survived – the other, not so much! There was egg on all the condiments (ketchup, mustard, relish, salad dressing, horseradish, etc.). There was egg all over the racks, which of course seeped down to the next rack. There was egg on the door and egg on the floor (that could make a song). There was egg on me.

How I wish I could tell you my tale ended there, but no. As I began the process of cleaning out the refrigerator for the second time, the ketchup lid was not on tight, so I added some ketchup to the other end of the kitchen – the floor, the sink and the cabinets.

Poo – “What’s that burning smell? Oh no! – Dinner!” Well done does not describe it! Looking around at the kitchen, which was covered with egg, ketchup and salad dressing. I called my sister and cried. Unfortunately, I did not heed her wisdom; “Stop crying, get out of the kitchen and let Roy clean it up.”  I didn’t want him to come home & see this mess!

Feeling totally overwhelmed and frustrated, I headed to clean the kitchen. Dementia symptoms often cause balance issues. When there is ketchup, salad dressing and egg on the floor – it’s just inevitable. BOOM! I slipped, knocked over the dog ‘s water and fell smack into the mess.

At which point my husband, Roy walks in the door, sees me on the floor – wet, wearing Ketchup, dressing and egg. And simply says: “Oh, you’ve been cooking again! I think I’ll put the groceries in the dinning room for now.”

What he did then really made the difference! He pulled out a towel, sat next to me on the floor, gave me a hug and said; “Oh by the way, I decided to pick up a Stromboli so you don’t have to cxxk tonight!” We just burst out laughing. We laughed and we laughed until, yes I started to cry! I cried with laughter and happy tears over how blessed I am to have him as my husband.

Cleanup took awhile, but we got it done. Today, I see last night in slow motion, I see the egg flying through the refrigerator, the ketchup splatting all across the room and my wonderful husband holding me and making me laugh. I love you honey!

Love & Laughter,   Laurie

Written By Laurie Scherrer

© Copyright 2015 Laurie Scherrer

No More Tools For Christmas

One of my most of embarrassing times in life came before I had dementia. Since that day, I will NEVER again buy tools for my husband! Should I ever forget – – I’m counting on all of you to remind me!


No More Tools!

Being the procrastinator that I tend to be, it was two days before Christmas and I did not have a gift for my husband. Although I prefer to find something unique and special, I had no choice but to pull out his wish list. Roy’s wish list came directly out of the Sears Tool Catalog with page numbers, item numbers and cost. I knew the basics, hammer, wrench, and screwdriver – How hard could this be? Too late to order – so off to Sears I went.
Sears was packed with the normal Christmas crowd, long lines and associates trying to help three people at once. After walking up and down the aisles for 20 minutes, I stopped a busy employee to ask where to find a 24 inch square.
The very young assistant, hurriedly informed me they were in aisle 5 on the left, “You can’t miss them” he proclaimed. Fifteen minutes later, I still had not found a square.
Again, I waited in line and asked another young associate for help. “I am looking for a 24 inch square. I looked in Aisle 5, but don’t see any.” He walked with me to aisle 5 and handed me an “L” shaped metal ruler thing.
“That’s not a square – it’s an “L”,” I insisted. Although, his eyes were saying; “Why me?” he explained that it is used to square off corners. OH – that makes sense.
“Where do I find a Micro Meter?”
“I’ve never heard of a Micro Meter,” he said quizzically. “Let me ask another associate”. One by one they huddled together for a laugh. Finally, the manager, who at this point was the only one not snickering, walked over and explained that they don’t have a Micro Meter.
“You must,” I explained. “It’s in your tool catalog on page 896 item #14.”
He walked over to the desk, pulled out the catalog and started to laugh. Looking as though he was about to burst, he returned and offered to show me where to find a micrometer (pronounced my-crom-eater, not micro meter).
Two down. Understanding that I was not going to be able to complete this list alone, the manager offered to help me find the items on my husband’s list. What a relief! I had already spent over an hour and only had two small items.
With much embarrassment, I handed him the list and explained that my husband was pulling a joke and the next item would not be in Sears. He glanced at the list and totally lost it! Through his laughter he informed me that Sears does in fact carry Stud Finders.
By the time I paid for all my items, every employee on that floor was in hysterics. So glad I could add some laughter to their hectic day. Although I know now what a square, micrometer and stud finder is – – No more tools ever!
My wish for you this Christmas season is love, laughter and a Wish list that does not include tools!
Merry Christmas to you all!

Written By Laurie Scherrer